DnDork marketplace new features & fixes log.
December 08, 2017 ─ version 1.0.2
To upgrade your current version to 1.0.2, please follow these instructions .
- Nameservers support for domain landing pages (setup instructions - see an example)
- and Payoneer Escrow buttons integration for each domain
- Ability to delete/replace logo for domain name
- Search function now searches both domain title and description
- Featured domains are changed from 12 to 16
- Domain logo replaces domain name on landing page if available
- Domain description is visible under domain logo/name if available
- Skype link is added in footer section
- Login issue on mobile devices is fixed
- Minor design improvements
- Minor bug fixes
June 19, 2017 ─ version 1.0.1
- A complete redesign with fresh look
- Credit URL at the bottom is now
- Minor updates
- Minor bug fixes
March 29, 2017 ─ version 1.0.0
- Initial release